By the way we had something to celebrate this time :-)): the Royal engagement. “The prince’s palace announced on Wednesday, June 23, 2010, the engagement of his Royal Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco with Mademoiselle Charlene Wittstock,” a palace statement said.

The evening was lovely. I had my own Prince Charming - Wonderful Metre Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr this evening. Very famous in modern art and .... like Prince Albert II being best friend of all pretty girls in France , he deserves this title - Prince Charming :-)))))))))))))).
By the way it doesn't bother me much because he's kindest open hearted man in Paris. And of course so charming. I treasure much his friendship :-))).

Ministers, military - the evening was fully equipped with :-))). Probably that's why it was so adorable. Happy birthday, Prince!