Le Bal de Paris exists 15 years in Paris. And this is very fancy event. Last year it was absolutely splendid. I was directing Paris Fashion Academy Award during the evening. Fascinating.
After there were several wonderful balls but they were at the end of the 2009. I fancied the most Ball de St Anges organized by Baroness de Saint Didier. It was exactly at my birthday. The orchestra were playing "happy birthday to you".
Then it was another lovely ball but stop!
I decided to start this RUNWAY MAGAZINE blog from 2010. So.... I leave wonderful past where it belongs - in the past, and now we are moving into splendid future :-).
So the New Year 2010!
In April 2010 we had absolutely wonderful event Le Bal des Princesses organized by Daniel Marie Rouyer. So wonderful that all Paris still keep talking about. This event passed several blogs, our dear Medias mentioned it not ones. Great success :-))). 2000 wonderfully dressed Princesses and Charmings were dancing there event after midnight :-).
I'll keep and this video for a while in main page, so you can see how wonderful it was.