Henry IV - one of the most famous kings in the history of France, well-loved for his quote about “chicken in the pot”, renowned for his white plume and known by the legendary nickname, “the Green gallant”, Henry IV was also the King of the Edict of Nantes, which granted Protestants the freedom to worship - a monarch keen to reconstruct the kingdom that had been devastated by previous wars.
2010 is a year to pay tribute to Henry IV of France and Navarre, who was assassinated by Ravaillac upon leaving the Louvre Palace in Paris, on 14th May 1610.
A number of events are scheduled throughout the country during this anniversary year. The most fancy event was Illumination show in front of monument of Henri IV on Pont Neuf in Paris in presents of Minister of culture Frederic Metterrand, Louis XX Bourbon-Parme (if France was still kingdom he could be the king), Princess Constance de Bourbon-Parme, Prince Charles-Emmanuel de Boubon-Parme, Prince Jean de France Duc de Vendôme and fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac.

On previous picture you may see Frederic Miterrand, Louis XX.
And now splendid photo below of all celebrities who were presented:
Princess Constance de Bourbon-Parme, Prince Charles-Emmanuel de Boubon-Parme, Frederic Miterrand, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, Prince Jean de France Duc de Vendôme, Louis XX. Good looking group :-).

And some pictures of the evening with my friends, with fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, and with extraordinary writer about Royal families scandalous Gonzague Saint Bris :-).

22 May. Club Dinner in Senate of "Gentle Men".
Parisian club of "Gentle Men" - Cercle des Gentils Hommes exists for quiet long time and has reputation of private club who involved with Orders de Malta, claim chivalry and focus on the preservation of traditional moral, historical, cultural and represents the European nobility, taken in all its branches. The specificity of the Circle is to admit, in addition to members of the old French nobility, those of the nobility conferred by the sovereign heads of houses, or by a foreign authority legitimate, and those of the nobility continued.
I like to be there surrounded by knights of honor and Russian Princes. It's definitely what every Princess wants to be cared by wonderful men around :-).

2 June. Nocturne Rive Droite 2010
I believe I should be precise from this event in June - the most of wonderful event in France about art. It's firework of art in Paris actually. Would you imagine all over the streets you have red carpets, all galleries are open, everywhere champagne, friends, artists. It happens ones a year around one week. One day - left side of Seine and another day - right side of Seine... Fascinating :-).
Every year I enjoy it so much.